5 Reasons Why You’re Unemployed (And Will Remain So This Whole Year)

recruitment agencies in kolkata

A serious dearth in the employment sector and with not-so-great future job projection, millions of young people in India are left without any work. Even when the candidates are technically proficient with traditional college degrees, they are finding it difficult to bag a decent job, let alone working in their dream company. 

Are you a part of the same picture, unemployed and disappointed with how your career is panning out?

To solve the problem, you must first know the reason behind it. Here are 5 reasons why you’re unemployed right now and will remain so this whole year until you make some serious changes starting today:

1. You’Re Waiting For The Opportunities To Come

One of the biggest mistakes you can make, in your career or life, is to wait for the opportunities to come. Don’t sit at your home and wait for the job offers to come to you. Instead, make proactive attempts to unearth the right opportunities. 

2. You’Re Solely Relying On Job Portals

Job portals aren’t as effective as they once did. In fact, they are now one of the worst ways to find jobs—unless you’re fine working in a poor company and at a low-paying job. So stop solely relying on one or few job portals. Many new avenues have come up that connect people to employers. Leverage on them as well. 

3. You Don’t Have Specialization Or Right Certification 

If you want a good job, you need to have some kind of specialization for that particular role. This is how you get good employer and better packages. If you don’t have any certification, get it. These days, business intelligence courses have become very popular. The right certification from the right academy can easily help you get the right job. 

4. You’Re Not Networking With The Right People 

Networking has emerged to be an important aspect of job hunting. The more people you know in your industry, more opportunities you will hear about. So increase your circle. Add more people from your niche in your contact list. Network with different professionals, attend seminars and connect with thought leaders. This has become much easier today, thanks to LinkedIn and other relevant social channels. 

5. You Haven’t Contacted a Placement Agency Already

Top placement companies in Kolkata are already working day-night to help fresh graduates and young professionals get the right job. If you haven’t already contacted them, you should definitely do that right away. With their seamless resources, connections and expertise, the top recruitment agencies in Kolkata can help you crack opportunities and rewrite your career with brighter prospects.

These are 5 simple reasons why you’re unemployed right now and would likely remain so for months to come. Fix them today and see things change for good


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